What is an energy or spiritual cleansing?
It is a ritual used to remove negative energies from the room, home office, or simply location. It is called a ritual because it requires “ritual” like activities when performed. There are many different methods of cleansing – burning of salt, meditation, detoxing salt bath, sound bath, crystals, sage, journaling, etc. Which one to go with? It depends on if the purpose is to cleanse you or if the purpose is to cleanse the space.
If it is to cleanse the space, then the choices would be burning salt, sound bath, crystals or sage. Keep in mind that any cleanse for the space will also cleanse you. However, cleansing you does not necessarily cleanse the space. For instance, a detoxing salt bath is intended for the person who immerses themselves in the water. The bathroom might also get cleansed, but that would be it. When I am doing a cleanse, I like to do the whole home, office or facility, myself and my dogs. If I am taking the time to do it - then do it all I say!
For a-space, I prefer doing a burning of sage or palo santo ritual as it is an activity that involves all the senses. It not only cleanses the space, but it also cleanses me, the dogs, the cat, others in your household or office etc. It takes a bit more time and prep, but I find the results far exceed the effort. Further, I have found the results to be most noticeable for the space. I love performing the act of cleansing, leaving the premises to come back an hour or so later and just bask in the fresh energy field.
If I want to just cleanse myself, my preferred method is a detoxing salt bath. Only because it is a physical act vs a mental one. I like performing the physical act of ritual. For me, it sets the tone and intention at a much higher and deeper level leaving me feeling more dramatic results.
Why would you want to do a space or personal cleanse?
You can do a cleanse at any time. By no means do you have to do it when all things are spiraling down! However, most people do it when things are not good, and this is an excellent time to start shoring your energy up!
Here are 5 clues that indicate a spiritual cleanse might be just the trick:
#1 – you feel stagnant and cannot get traction
#2 – you have been running negative thoughts for a period. Anything from I cannot to worry to concern to fear. When you are in a repetitive negative mental state.
#3 - numbness. If your energy is so burnt that you don’t feel anything. You are just numb.
#4 – everything around you seems to be exploding. Every day is a Monday. When Murphy’s Law is working overtime in your experience.
#5 – when you are completely frustrated in life.
How do you do a spiritual cleanse?
Super easy! You gotta love that! A few things to remember:
Anything metaphysical requires well-thought-out intention.
You cannot get it wrong.
Use this structure, but do what moves you.
First, obviously, decide what type of cleanse you want to do. Since I prefer cleansing the whole damn building, we will start there.
Materials needed for a Sage / Palo Santo burning cleanse:
Sage / Palo Santo: You can find sage sticks, also known as smudge sticks, or Palo Santo on Amazon or you can find them in a local holistic store.

Lighter or gas stove: I find that a gas stove is easiest.
Prayer: I like to start my cleansing with a prayer. The act of cleansing is a ritual. It does not have to be a prayer; it can be anything that has meaning for you - religious or not. It is about your mindset not the specifics of the process. For me, while I am spiritual and do not identify with any one religion as I appreciate all religions, I still begin with a prayer. God - whether it is by this name or some other - is in pretty much every religion. You pick. If you are struggling, here is a prayer for grounding and cleansing that works beautifully.
Divine Source of all creation,
I call upon your infinite light and love to surround me and this space.
May the energy of Mother Earth rise to ground and anchor me, connecting me deeply to the stability and strength of its core.
I release any energy that does not serve the highest good, allowing it to be transmuted into light and returned to the universe.
Fill this space with clarity, peace, and protection. Let your light cleanse every corner, driving out negativity and imbalance. May this place be a sanctuary of harmony and health, open to growth, truth, and love.
With gratitude, I affirm: that I am centered, I am grounded, and this space is pure and sacred.
Intention: Clear intention is a must for any kind of clearing and manifestation. Yes, secret sauce here; we are clearing the old so that the new can come in.
Affirmations: Not necessary but often useful.
People management: If you are doing this alone, pets can stay, and it is better if other people in the space are not there. If you are doing this with others, then just making sure that they are on the same page is all that matters.
Let's start!
Remember, this is a ritual and the ritual begins with the lighting of the sage. While you are working on getting the sage to light, you can start prepping your mind by taking some rhythmic breaths. Inhale for 4 and exhale for 4. Repeat 4 or 5 times. This act of breathing is putting you into a meditative space.
Light the sage. (See the video) It takes a bit to get the sage to stay burning. It will fool you and you think it is burning but it quickly dies out. You need to have a good amount of smoke consistently being produced to do an effective cleanse. You can most certainly blow on the sage to bring extra oxygen to assist in the burning but it needs to have a pretty good start.
Go to the room where you would like to start. It does not matter. If you are only cleansing one room, then go to that room. If you are cleansing the house or facility, start wherever you will get to all the rooms. Some like to start at the door most traveled which is usually the door closest to your vehicle. Me? I don't care.
State your prayer out loud to begin. This is an act of grounding yourself and the space.
Once complete, move about the room reaching every corner clearly stating your intention for the room. For instance, if you are in the dining room, you might want to state something like I intend or I see good nutritious food being shared amongst loved ones. We come together in harmony to break bread and enjoy food, libation and amazing warm loving conversation. Get the idea? It is perfectly acceptable to repeat affirmations or intentions in any space.
Move from room to room and corner to corner. I often sage furniture, especially beds! LOL clear out the energies of nightmares etc. Desks, especially if creativity and financial finesse are required. State your intention for each room even if it repeats - it is fine. You cannot get this wrong!
If you are moved to do the outside of the structure, then do it! I had a client who was struggling with her clientele and her "space" was quite dirty, energetically that is. I had her do the outside with the very clear intention that all who walk in leave their energy baggage at the door. Her clientele turned around within weeks. I helped another friend whose property I do believe had some unwanted negative energies due to the antics that were happening on her property. I had her cleanse the property perimeter of 68 acres!! We also buried crystals as a reinforced barrier to her property. The results were amazing. All the shenanigans of things missing, animals getting randomly sick for no reason, etc stopped.
Before you close, make sure you sage yourself, pets etc! When you are complete, you will feel it. The energy of a cleanse is fairly intense and when it wains, it is over. If you have not burned through the sage stick, you need to dowse it in water to put it out and then wrap it in foil. Sage once put out is fairly stinky and the aluminum helps to stop the smell as well as to keep the sage put out. Yes, it is hard to light as well as to put out. It is not only scent protection but safety as well.
I like to leave the property for an hour or so after I am complete. I just love coming back into the space and simply feeling the energy difference. It will feel cleaner. I know that sounds weird, try it. You will see what I mean!
That is it! Spiritual cleansing 101!